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Influencer Marketing Agency

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Humans as a group are heavily influenced by something or the other which changes the way we live our life. This has been a prospect that has been going on for centuries with period-appropriate changes in the lifestyle of humans. Celebrity influencers on TV advertisements were a most common aspect in the old days; their influence is felt even today. With the advent of social media platforms the term “influencer” has taken on a new meaning. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Youtube are strife with influencers, who are more popular among the younger generation. The term “Influencer” means a person who influences potential customers to purchase a product/service by promoting or recommending it on their social media handles. This is a form of social media marketing that has garnered steady interest in the past decade. Of recent, influencers have become a great asset to online marketing. Of the many influencer based marketing agencies, is a well known and top Influencer marketing agency in Chennai.

What Is Influencer Marketing

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Influencers are people who have built up a following on their respective social media platforms. They also have a particular niche in which they’re considered as experts, for example- Lifestyle influencer, Fitness influencer, Fashion influencer and so on. These influencers have built up a trust with their following who look up to them for inspiration on that particular field. This is where marketing comes into play

Brands which cater to a particular audience can reach out to the influencers who are seen as the best in that specific niche. These influencers then endorse the product or service on their social media handles. Influencer marketing is turning out to be one of the biggest revenue generators for social media marketing. In simple words, Influencer marketing involves a brand collaborating with an online influencer to market one of its products or services.

It is the most recent form of marketing and makes use of the word of mouth technique. It has become one of the most popular marketing strategies prevailing in the market as of now. The reason for its popularity is that customers are influenced by these influencers, who they deem as experts in that particular field/niche and these influencers serve as a major driving purpose behind their purchasing decisions. Influencer Marketing Agency in Chennai is a growing arena with a great potential and is one of the forerunners in this area.

Benefits Of Influencer Marketing

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Influencer Marketing has become a game-changer for businesses. More than 67% of marketers have reported that they have engaged with some form of influencer marketing. Not many people know about influencer marketing as it is still relatively new. There are many benefits to Influencer Marketing, some of which are listed below:

Influencer marketing works because a lot of people trust their opinions and recommendations as they look up to these influencers and are inspired by them. It has been stated that people are 40% more likely to buy a product or service because their favourite influencer has endorsed it on their social media page. Influencers build trust with their followers and help bridge the gap between brands and their potential customers.

A study states that influencer recommendations and endorsements of a brand or product have generated more sales. A brand becomes more visible to its target audience when they align themselves with an influencer who has an established base in the same niche as their brand.

Influencer Marketing is also more economical for the brands than the traditional methods of advertising. Most of them think that influencers have to be paid a huge deal to do a collaboration with a brand, but in most cases, all you have to give is a taste of your product.

Influencer Marketing works really well for brands whose target audience is the younger generation such as Millenials and Gen Z. The younger generations are the primary users of social media platforms and tend to be more inspired by the influencers in terms of their purchase decisions. So, having an influencer to market your brand is a very good way of getting across to your target audience.

Influencers come up with fresh and new content that is aesthetically pleasing and is centered around their particular niche. When collaborating with them it becomes easy to co-create content that will resonate well with your target audience.

Influencer Marketing is one of the best ways to gain more reach and awareness for smaller businesses. More people discover new brands with the help of their favourite influencers, which in turn helps in generating revenue for the particular brand.

All in all, influencer marketing is an upcoming part of the social media agencies and has been gaining more popularity in Chennai.

Services Offered By Us

Services Offered By Us.jpg offers our services around the clock for mainly four types of online marketing. These include:

Social media marketing – Social Media marketing is drawing attention to your brand through social media sites. These social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and Foursquare.

Email Marketing – Email is still one of the world’s highest converting forms of marketing. It’s great for B2B businesses and even better for B2C businesses.

Event Marketing – Marketing for events, movies and other short-term projects. This includes everything from setting up landing pages and integrating social payments to media-buying.

Digital Media Marketing – We focus on creating kick-ass content, ads and apps. We also help in re-advertising and analytics.


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Pricing Of The Services Offered By Us

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The pricing services offered by are divided into two:

The first part is the retainer – this is what you’re paying for all the social media marketing services – like social media marketing strategy, social media content creation – Photography, Videography and Creative Poster Design + Copywriting. Community Management, and Report Generation + Optimization.

The second part is the advertising charges that we handle on your behalf. We handle your Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Google, Tiktok, WhatsApp ads and ensure that you’re reaching your target audience with the right messaging, and this whole process is transparent to you. For this – we take a handling charge on your advertising budget.

This, in a nutshell, is how pricing works and is also one of the reasons as to why it is one of the top Influencer Marketing Agencies in Chennai. This is the optimal pricing method that every social media and digital marketing company should follow.

Why Choose Us As Your Influencer Marketing Agency

Why Choose Us As Your Influencer Marketing Agency knows which influencer would be the right choice to make your brand reach its target audience. Each brand is unique and tries to stand out from the rest instead of following the bandwagon as it’s the uniqueness which makes us who we are. With more than 100 clients, has the perfect understanding as to how to get the brand across the right audience which makes it one of the best Influencer Marketing Agency in Chennai.

To know more, contact us at +91-7824868277 or E-mail at

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