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Social Media Marketing, Content Designing, And Response Management For A Real Estate Company | St...

Social Media Marketing, Content Designing, And Response Management For A Real Estate Company

  1. The strategy for the real estate body involves the content generation and ad handling across platforms including blogs, presentations, newsletters, social media, and offline collaterals

  2. When it comes to the social media side of things, it would be a strategy centred on video (On Youtube shorts and Instagram reels) as far as the content generation goes.

  3. Every month we ’d draw out a content calendar and shoot the required photo/video content for part of the social media publishing on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google Business and LinkedIn

  4. Ideas for content would include member showcases, event promotions and realty insights

  5. We ’d couple this content-first real estate model with an ORM practice to ensure that mentions are monitored and the community is properly managed.

  6. We ’d also have a dedicated monthly ad budget to increase engagement and reach of the content; while providing separate seasonal ads depending on the event calendar for the year

  7. Apart from the social media side of things, we ’d develop EDS and WhatsApp Content (Mailing and WhatsApp Software charges at actuals) which would fall under the overall design theme established for digital.

  8. We ’d also design offline print collaterals, event backgrounds and member collaterals on a requirement basis. These would form part of the campaign and brand design language

  9. We ’d create presentations for the brand which can be used for various aspects like membership drives and event sponsorship. We ’d write the content, and design the slides based on inputs given by the brand.

  10. We ’d also help the brand in handling various external integrations to the content generation process; such as influencers and VO and actors on an actual basis. Travel and board costs if required would be at actuals

  11. We ’d tie all of this in with detailed Data Studio insights on costs incurred, results obtained, in terms of engagement, visitors, clicks, impressions and conversion rates.

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